Annette Price | Let’s Chat
Welcome, everyone.
Annette Price joins our chat circle this week. A lifelong lover of reading and writing, Annette is also an observer. After a church seminar on utilizing your gifts, talents and abilities, Annette wrote 9 Steps to Overcoming Jealousy & Envy. This nonfiction book shines the light on the diabolical enemy of man: jealousy and envy.
One endorsement: “With extensive knowledge on the gifts of the spirit, discernment, and visions and dreams, her ability to simplify the Word of God for others continues to make her a highly sought-after speaker. Seeking to draw people closer to God in all that she does, Annette authentically and unapologetically expresses her thoughts and creativity through the written and expressed word. Anointed as a vessel of God to serve in multiple capacities for a time such as this, Annette is a force to be reckoned with both in and out of the church—rendering her unstoppable.”
To connect with Annette, email Follow her on Facebook at Annette Price and on Twitter at
Take it away, Annette.
My journey from idea to publication
I have a love affair with books. Paperbacks and ebooks. Magazines, how-to books, westerns, romance, mysteries, sci-fi and inspirational. Growing up, a book’s genre was irrelevant to me. If it was book, I would read it at least one time. If I didn’t like it, I would not read it again. A neighborhood elementary school opened its library to the public during the summer. I spent many a day at that library. The librarian became so familiar with me that she would call my mother whenever new books came in, particularly romance and westerns!
After my aunt came to live with us, she introduced me to local and national newspapers. From there, I began to write. I wrote on notebook paper, taped it to my bedroom walls, and made corrections from there. I went through many a #2 pencil!
Over the years, I became a watcher of people. I would write down my observations. 9 Steps to Overcoming Jealousy & Envy comes from watching people throughout the years. I have seen that ugly spirit of jealousy destroy many relationships and break up many homes. It can cause sibling to turn against sibling, spouse against spouse, and friends against friends. I have witnessed church people turn against church people, and church people against pastors. All because of jealousy.
9 Steps to Overcoming Jealousy and Envy by Annette Price
Many people find their greatest value in material things and lavish accomplishments. However, the world’s most valuable commodity may often be overlooked and underrated: people. As a confidant, minister and mentor, my goal is to equip this generation and the next with spiritual and biblical knowledge. And also with educational, emotional and mental wisdom. Utilizing life experiences, coupled with book knowledge and revelation from God, I seek to offer hope, encouragement and direction to every person I encounter. I hope to thus position them on the path to healing and wholeness in all areas.
I am known by various titles – Elder Price and Prophetess Price being two of them. However, the legacy I want to leave is that I was a lover of God and a lover of people. Every title conferred on anyone offers that individual another avenue to serve people – both the church and the unchurched.
About 9 Steps to Overcoming Jealously & Envy
Rooted in low self-esteem, lack of identity and constant comparison, jealousy and envy are thorns that will rear their ugly heads when one least expects it. And while one may offer congratulations, accolades and awards publicly, many of the same people privately feel the opposite. Sarcasm, blunt humor or snide comments can reveal the very state of their heart.
In 9 Steps to Overcoming Jealousy & Envy, author and speaker Annette Price uncovers how jealousy can lead to envy. And how envy, if not dealt with properly, can lead a person down a road of deadly spiritual and natural consequences. Prompting readers to take a candid look at their negative emotions toward others, this book will position them to overcome jealousy before it grows into envy. And before envy blocks them from the abundant life God predestined for them.
In this book, you will learn the following:
- Identifying jealousy and envy at the onset
- Overcoming jealousy and envy as Jesus did when He walked the earth
- Controlling malicious thoughts before they lead to destructive actions
- Acknowledging the dark emotions and defeat them once and for all
- How jealousy can negatively impact everyone and everything connected to you
- And more!
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Dear Lord, please bless each word Annette writes for You.
~ for Jesus’ sake ~