Another Thirteen Kids Reasons to Laugh
A cheerful heart [a good laugh] is a good medicine;
But a broken spirit drieth up the bones.
Proverbs 17:22
There hasn’t been much in the news to laugh about recently. So today again is devoted to laughter a la kids.
Art Linkletter got it right. Kids do say the darnedest things.
Take, for instance, the next 13 jewels of wisdom by first grade kids who were shown the first part of some well-known proverbs and were asked to complete them.
These kids told the unvarnished truth. And gave some good advice.
(14) Love all, trust ………… me.
(15) Happy the bride who ………………………….. gets all the presents.
(16) A penny saved is ……………. not much.
(17) Two’s company; three’s ……………………. the Musketeers.
(18) Don’t put off until tomorrow what ………….. you put on to go to bed.
(19) Laugh and the whole world laughs with you; cry and ………… you have to blow your nose.
(20) There are none so blind as ……….. Stevie Wonder.
(21) Children should be seen and not ………………….. spanked or grounded.
(22) If at first you don’t succeed ……………….. get new batteries.
(23) You get out of something only what you ………………… see in the picture on the box.
(24) When the blind lead the blind ……………………get out of the way.
(25) A bird in the hand ……………… is going to poop on you.
(26) Better late than ………………….. pregnant.
Kids do say the darnedest things. Do you have any to add?
Lord, remind us that You want us to be joyful, even in suffering. And to laugh. Give us the innocent hearts of children. And bring restoration and reconciliation to our great land. Bring us back to You.